Art and Music: We will organize cultural events featuring the musicians, painters, sculptors and other artists of Zimbabwe that will include art showings, concerts, workshops, lectures and festivals.

Education and Culture: Education and cultural programs will emphasize adult and childhood literacy and computer educational projects. Internet and electronic exchange initiatives between schools and community groups in Zimbabwe and California will work closely with SchoolNet Africa, a program enabling schools in Africa to be networked together to share ideas and experiences. The Zimbabwe Cultural Exchange Project of California will seek computers and equipment for schools and community groups in Zimbabwe, with a first-year goal of providing at least 100 laptops, tablets or desktop computers. Our technical assistants, including teachers and other educational personnel, will provide training and support to local school staff and community groups to set up and maintain the systems.

Activities for Young People: We will host visiting Zimbabwean music classes and youth groups at local schools and teen centers.

Zimbabwean school children carrying on the history of traditional music and dance, passed on from generation to generation.